This form of leadership has been followed down through the centuries. He was known for leading his men into battles from the front, often charging his horse Bucephalus into the most dangerous parts of the fight “Alexander led the cavalry charges himself, seemingly oblivious to danger his horse was killed under him and a sword swipe cleaved the crest of his helmet.” "Alexander III, the Great." DISCovering Biography. He was a legendary figure, believed to be descended from the gods, endowed with great ability, and an famous warrior and adventurer.

In fact, he was a hero in the Greek sense. But he did more than just build the greatest empire the world had ever seen, Alexander spread Western philosophy, science and mathematics throughout that empire.Īlexander the great was truly a courageous young man. Through his military genius and courage, he united the entire ancient world under one rule. Alexander the Great is a hero for many reasons. He always led lead his army into battle from the front, often receiving serious injury. Alexander's contrasting physical features-the soft moist eyes, slight flush, sharp nose, fierce expression, and loud and harsh voice-reflected the emotional extremes of a man capable of both overwhelming generosity and violent outbursts of temper.” "Alexander III, the Great." DISCovering Biography. The result was a lithe, athletic man who, while not physically imposing, revealed remarkable powers of endurance, magnified by an imposing character and unbreakable will. His education ranged from a physically demanding training in the arts of athletics and war to an elite education which included tutoring at the hands of the eminent Greek philosopher Aristotle. “Alexander emerged as a man of sharp contrasts. The couple raised Alexander to be a king, military leader and hero in the classic Greek sense. Making Phillip even more famous, was the fact that he had conquered all of Greece. Together they made a power couple on Earth and in the heavens. It was believed throughout the Hellenic world that Phillips was a descendant of Heracles (also know as Hercules), and that Olympias’ family was directly descended from Achilles, the hero of Homer’s epic poem The Iliad. Alexander was born in Macedonia to King Phillip II and Queen Olympias. This Herculean task he set out to do at age 20 and accomplished before his tragic death at age thirty-two. A legend in his own time, Alexander built an empire that spanned from the Greek city-states south to Egypt and east to modern day Iraq. Alexander the great was a fearless leader who would conquer the ancient known world and bring it under Greek rule.